Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What if I were a HMS (home school momma)?

I've been dreaming of homeschooling my children for years now. Why haven't I started yet? Simple. Pure fear. Fear of the unknown, and mainly fear of failure. What if I can't teach my kids? What if we aren't disciplined enough to stick to it? What if we waste a year and learn nothing, only to thrust them back into school at a disadvantage? What if, what if, what if...

What if we go bankrupt paying for the private school they attend now? What if my kids grow farther away from us every day as they are influenced by their peers? What if I lose all those aha! moments when my kids learn something new, only to go unnoticed in a classroom of many?

What if I just bite the bullet and take my kids back? Yes, I am. I'm taking the rest of this school year to research and prepare, and get things in order. We are becoming a homeschooling family. What if it's great? What if it's the best thing we've ever done? It will be. I just know it.

If any of you homeschoolers out there have any advice to offer, please do. If I've learned anything lately, it's that there are a ton of homeschooling bloggers! Anything you can share about curriculum, discipline, organization, etc., please do so!


Emily said...

I am not yet a homeschooler but I feel the EXACT way you do about it. Especially the part about growing further from your children and their peers influencing them.

Shauna said...

What a great blog you have here :) Fall is awesome! ♥ Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I was TERRIFIED. You can do it! It is much easier than I could have ever dreamed and it has been the best decision we have ever made.